Uttam K Ghorai

Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math, Howrah

Uttam K Ghorai is currently an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Industrial Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur Math. His study focuses primarily on electrochemical methods for synthesising ammonia, urea, and nitric acid under ambient conditions. He has published 120 research papers in peer-reviewed international journals (h-index: 32 and total citations -3016)and has been jointly involved in seven patents. In recognition of his contributions to the Materials Science and Engineering field, he received the Young Engineer Award (2019) from the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) and the Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award (2020) from the National Academy of Sciences. Additionally, he was awarded the BRICS Young Innovator Prize in 2022. He has been elected as an Associate ofINAE and IASc in 2021.

Uttam K Ghorai

Session 1E - Lectures by Fellows and Associates

Meena B Mahajan, IMSc, Chennai

Electrocatalytic synthesis of green ammonia and green urea: Lab to library vs lab to land

Numerous varieties of fertilizers primarily consist of macronutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. As fixed nitrogen is typically the rate-limiting macronutrient for plant growth, producing nitrogen-based fertilizers (ammonia, nitrate, and urea) has always posed a significant global challenge. To combat global starvation over the next three decades, nitrogen-based fertilizer usage will continue to rise, significantly affecting energy and the environment, as nearly all nitrogen-based fertilizers are manufactured from ammonia and nitric acid, with high energy and carbon footprints. To produce ammonia, urea, and nitric acid without using fossil fuels, new technological solutions must be invented. Electrocatalytic methods to produce green ammonia, green urea, and nitric acid under ambient conditions using electrocatalysts have been designed and developed in the speaker's laboratory. All these processes are protected with appropriate IPR. The field trial of the green ammonia synthesis has been completed, and the technology transfer and process of licensing for pilot-scale production of green ammonia with a multinational company has been initiated.

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