D Shankar

NIO, Goa

Shankar Doraiswamy is Chief Scientist at the CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. He specialises in large-scale ocean processes, circulation, and air-sea interaction. He is a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, India. He was the Chief Editor of the Academy's Journal of Earth System Science during 2012-2016. Elected as Fellow in 2011.

D Shankar

Session 3C - Special Lecture

P C Pandey, IIT, Gandhinagar

Evolution of our understanding of the dynamics of the North Indian Ocean

Our understanding of the dynamics of the North Indian Ocean is the subject of this talk. The presentation is restricted to wind-forced circulation and discusses the theoretical framework that underpins its dynamics. This talk has four modules. Module 1 has two sections. The talk will start with the background, covering the global ocean circulation and the theories that explain the observations. The observed seasonal cycle of the circulation of the North Indian Ocean will be covered in the second section. The largely linear theoretical framework used to explain this observed seasonal cycle (discussed in Module 1) will be dealt with in Module 2. Considering the North Indian Ocean as a complex physical system, the effects of nonlinearity will be dealt with in Module 3. The nonlinear effects with the linear processes discussed in Module 2 will be contrasted in this module. The implications of complexity and linearity for prediction and insight will be dealt with in Module 4.

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